Monday, June 28, 2021

First International Public Conference on Vaccination Puts Vaccine Risks On The Record

This post is from the Vaccinev3no1.doc file which is is available from the shared library


"When it happens to you or your child, the risks are 100%"

Published bi-monthly by the National Vaccine Information Center

Vol. 3 No. 1  Barbara Loe Fisher, Editor  November 1997

First International Public Conference on Vaccination Puts Vaccine Risks On The Record

On September 13-15, 1997, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) brought together more than 500 parents, doctors, scientists, health officials, lawyers, ethicists, journalists and consumer activists from 34 states and five countries to the U.S. Capitol for the First International Public Conference on Vaccination to talk about why and how vaccines cause injury, death and chronic illness and what to do about it.

The first day of the conference, which was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites in Alexandria, Virginia, featured distinguished medical doctors and vaccine researchers from the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain discussing the biological mechanisms of vaccine injury and death and why chronic illness in the form of immune and neurological dysfunction can be caused by vaccination. Topics included vaccines and infant death; biological mechanisms of vaccine injury and vaccine reaction blood tests; vaccines and learning disabilities; measles virus and measles vaccine; hepatitis B vaccine injuries; viral vaccines and chromosome damage; vaccine administration combined with other hazardous exposures; and vaccine regulation and polio vaccine contamination.

Scientific Evidence Presented by Physicians and Researchers - A cross section of specialties within medical science, clinical research, and law were represented by speakers on the first day of the conference, each of whom offered scientific evidence that vaccines can cause a wide range of chronic immune and neurological disorders. Presenters included: Mark Geier, M.D., Ph.D., Co-Director, Genetic Consultants, and Director, Institute of Immuno-Oncology and Genetics; Terry M. Phillips, D.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Director, Immunochemistry Laboratories & Hematology/Oncology Laboratory, Department of Medicine, The George Washington University Medical Center; Marcel Kinsbourne, M.D., Research Professor, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University and Professor of Psychology, New School University; Andrew J. Wakefield, M.D., Chairman of an Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group in London; Byron M. Hyde, M.D., Chairman, The Nightingale Research Foundation, Canada; Howard B. Urnovitz, Ph.D., Founder and Science Director, Chronic Illness Research Foundation and Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Calypte Biomedical Corporation; James J. Tuite, III, International Security and Science and Technology Consultant and Director, Gulf War Research Foundation; and Walter Kyle, Vaccine Product Liability Expert. Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder & President, National Vaccine Information Center, delivered the keynote address.

A United Call for Truth in Science - Some of the more important observations made by individual presenters on the first day were:

·        the "p" part of the old DPT vaccine is so highly toxic to the human brain that the whole cell pertussis vaccine should be immediately withdrawn from the market;

·        lab blood testing techniques can be used in some cases to prove that a vaccine caused an individual's immune mediated brain injury:

·        live virus vaccines, such as MMR vaccine, have never been fully scientifically investigated for long term effects on the human immune and neurological system;

·        vaccines which cause brain inflammation and severe brain damage, such as DPT, are biologically capable of causing mild brain damage, which can take the form of learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder;

·        there are many reports of adults in Canada, who have suffered central nervous system and immune dysfunction or died following hepatitis B vaccination;

·        live viral vaccines may have caused genetic damage in humans;

·        polio vaccines contaminated with monkey viruses may have caused the development of HIV-1 and rare forms of bone, brain and lung cancers in humans;

·        a combination of multiple vaccinations and multiple exposures to environmental and chemical toxins may cause immune and neurological dysfunction in the general population like that being suffered by Gulf War veterans;

·        government health officials in federal health agencies have withheld information about vaccine risks from the public.

The general consensus among the research scientists was that current vaccination programs are causing injuries and deaths because of inadequate vaccine safety research, testing, manufacturing and monitoring for long term effects. NVIC called for funding of scientific investigation by non-governmental researchers into the persistently reported links between vaccines and chronic illness, citing the inherent conflict of interest in the federal government's role in developing new vaccines, promoting mandatory vaccination and monitoring vaccines for side effects.

Special Award for Lea Thompson - The special dinner guest and speaker at Saturday evening's dinner was NBC-TV consumer reporter Lea Thompson, whose Emmy award winning 1982 documentary 'DPT: Vaccine Roulette" alerted American parents to the risks associated with the DPT vaccine and brought together the co-founders of Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT), the organization known today as the National Vaccine Information Center. Lea was presented with an engraved award that said, "On the 15th Anniversary of the National Vaccine Information Center this public education service award is presented to LEA THOMPSON in recognition of courage, excellence and integrity in journalism and with deep appreciation for her historic, lifesaving contribution to protecting the health of America's children by informing their parents about the DPT vaccine.

Health Care Alternatives for Staying Well Explored - The second day of the conference featured doctors discussing health care options for maintaining wellness and providing innovative therapies for vaccine injured children such as chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, nutritional and metabolic support, and neuroimmuno therapeutics. Arno Burnier, D.C., of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, kicked off the second day of the conference with a lecture on the universal intelligence inherent in all living things and the need to protect the biological integrity of the human organism by maintaining wellness through non-toxic avenues such as reduction of stress, good nutrition and chiropractic care.

Other presenters on the second day included: Amy Rothenberg, N.D., Editor of New England Journal of Homeopathy and Instructor, New England School of Homeopathy; Patricia Kane, Ph.D., Director of Medical Research and Director of Metabolics, Kaplan Foundation; Stephen C. Marini, Ph.D., D.C., Director, Family Chiropractic Center and Lecturer, Life College of Chiropractic; Philip Incao, M.D., Founder and Director, Gilpin Street Holistic Center; Hugh Fudenberg, M.D., Founder and Director of Research, Neurolmmuno Therapeutic Research Foundation; Harold E. Buttram, M.D., Director, Woodlands Healing Research Center and Founding Medical Director, Foresight-America Foundation for Preconception Care; J. Barthelow Classen, M.D, M.B.A., Founder and CEO, Classen Immunotherapies, Inc.; Murry J. Cohen, M.D., Co-Chair, Medical Research Modernization Committee; Peter H. Meyers, J.D., Professor of Clinical Law and Director, Vaccine Injury Project, George Washington University Law School; and David J. Walsh, Ph.D., Professor of Politics, Catholic University of America.

Some of the important observations made by presenters on the second day were:

·        homeopathy, naturopathy and chiropractic can be used to lessen the severity of some kinds of vaccine-induced immune and neurological problems;

·        children injured by vaccines and other toxic insults, who have disturbances in biochemistry (such as imbalances in fatty acid metabolism) and neurologic dysfunction (such as autistic spectrum disorders and seizure disorders) have been helped to recover through individually tailored metabolic and nutritional support programs;

·        children injured by live virus vaccines, such those left autistic following MMR vaccine, have been helped to recover with the help of a blood cell therapy called "transfer factor," which improves immune system functioning;

·        natural recovery from some childhood diseases, such as measles, may have played a key life; role in generations past in "priming" the immature immune system to resist disease later in

·        data from New Zealand and several European countries suggests that early childhood vaccination has caused an increase in juvenile diabetes;

·        animal research cannot be used to draw scientific conclusions for humans and using animals to screen vaccines for safety is conceptually and methodologically unsound;

A discussion about vaccination, the law and informed consent led by legal and ethics experts included questions from the audience. During open discussion periods, many parents went to the microphone and talked about how vaccines injured their children or how public health officials in their state refuse to allow medical, religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccination for their children. World Chiropractic Alliance leader Terry Rondberg concluded the two-day conference with a spirited call to action for all attendees to fight for public education and health care freedom around the world.

Parents Go to Capitol Hill - On Monday, September 15, about 100 of the conference attendees, some of them carrying pictures of their children, who had been injured or died following vaccine reactions, took buses to Capitol Hill and visited their representatives and senators. They asked for more scientific research into the long term effects of vaccines and for oversight hearings on the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 to investigate why only one in four their often catastrophic vaccine injuries. vaccine injury victims, who apply for compensation under the law, are given financial support for their often catastrophic injuries.

The First International Public Conference on Vaccination was professionally audio-taped by Repeat Performance and a complete 16 tape set or individual tapes can be ordered from Repeat Performance, 2911 Crabapple Lane, Hobart, IN 46342. Tel and Fax: 219-465-1234. The conference proceedings will be published and available to the public.


Shortly after NVIC hosted the First International Public Conference on Vaccination, a 27-page packet of information arrived at the NVIC headquarters entitled "List of Materials Produced for the CDC Vaccine Safety Campaign." It was sent courtesy of a vigilant state public health officer apparently anxious to show NVIC the error of its ways. Written by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for state public health officers, the information packet began with a cautionary warning to the reader that "these materials were designed to be 'stand alone' pieces - not a package . . . some materials should be provided to parents and the media only on request, when the subject is raised."

A quick look at the content of what federal health officials consider to be a "Vaccine Safety Campaign" only confirmed once again that the CDC is engaged in a deliberate attempt to mislead state public health officials so they will, in turn, mislead the people living in their states and perpetuate the CDC-created myth that vaccines carry almost no risks whatsoever. This deceptive and ultimately dangerous course of action, well-funded by federal taxes, is stark proof of why no funds have been committed to vaccine safety research; why state legislators do not think twice about condoning oppressive mandatory vaccination laws and why many children have suffered and will continue to suffer vaccine injuries and deaths.

At the heart of the CDC's cold and calculating "Vaccine Safety Campaign" is a propaganda campaign aimed at physicians, parents and the media. The CDC's new information handouts contain old strategies designed to give new life to well publicized myths which overstate disease risks; minimize vaccine risks and portray the right to informed consent as ethically irrelevant and dangerous to the public health. These statements include:

·        Promoting the idea that vaccines are necessary to strengthen and enhance the functioning of the immature human immune system with statements such as "Vaccines give your baby's immune system the chance to practice and make protective antibodies before real germs invade. If left totally to chance, your baby's first exposure to a disease may be from a germ too strong for your baby to fight." This kind of simplistic thinking ignores the relevance of hundreds of thou- sands of years of evolutionary development during which time the human immune system naturally adapted to the presence of viruses and bacteria in the environment. It ignores improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and living standards which have contributed significantly to the decline of disease-associated morbidity and mortality in modern countries. CDC officials, apparently anxious to rewrite the history of the biological evolution of man by inserting themselves into it, do not consider anything that occurred before Jenner's development of the smallpox vaccine in 1796 to have any relevance.

·        Grossly inflating disease risks without documenting supporting references with statements such as "In the U.S., prior to pertussis immunizations, between 150,000 and 260,000 cases of pertussis were reported each year with up to 9,000 pertussis-related deaths." It is unclear from what official source the CDC obtained the mortality figure. Although there is documentation that 265,269 cases of pertussis were reported in the U.S. in 1934, the mortality figure for that year is not documented in government records which have been made available to the public.

·        Giving contradictory disease statistics in different handouts such as stating in one handout that "there is at least a 20% chance of damage to the fetus if a woman is infected [with rubella] early in pregnancy" and stating in another that "up to 90% of infants born to mothers infected with rubella during the first trimester will develop congenital rubella syndrome." The 20 percent risk figure is more in line with estimates made in independent medical textbooks describing rubella complications. This may account for why it took 27 induced abortions before rubella vaccine developers in the 1960's could find a rubella-infected fetus to use to produce the rubella vaccine now used in the U.S.. The first 26 aborted fetuses, taken from women infected with rubella, were rubella-free and would have been born healthy.

·        Dismissing health problems suffered by individuals following vaccination as "chance" occurrences with illogical statements such as "When large populations are studied, the data indicate that there is no increased risk from vaccination, and the illness occurred only by chance near the time following vaccination." This statement exposes the constraints of epidemiological studies confined to statistical comparisons of groups that have nothing to do with determining cause and effect in an individual case. Without a definition of the biological mechanism of vaccine injury and death, there are no pathological profiles and few tests which have been developed to determine whether vaccination injured or killed an individual. The lack of adequate scientific examination of the ways vaccines work in the body leaves the door open for the CDC to continue to forward the myth that all health problems following vaccination are simply "temporally" related to the vaccination. This position has as much scientific validity as the statement that "When large populations are studied, the data indicate that there is no increased risk from getting hit by a car by walking across a street, and that death occurs only by chance near the time the person crossed the street."

·        Making false, undocumented statements in an attempt to deny vaccines cause chronic illness such as "After decades of vaccine use in the United States, the current research shows no reliable evidence proving vaccines cause chronic illness. Vaccine safety research - including, whenever possible, research into theories linking vaccines to chronic diseases - is being conducted on a regular basis in the United States and overseas to make sure the public is receiving the safest possible vaccines." This statement by CDC officials is an outright lie. The Institute of Medicine in two separate studies by independent physician committees, issued reports in 1991 and 1994 confirming that there has been so little scientific study into how vaccines work singly or in combination in the human body that there can be no scientific determination as to whether vaccines cause such chronic debilitating disorders such as juvenile diabetes, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, optic neuritis, sterility, sensorineural deafness, transverse myelitis and other demyelinating diseases of the nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, among others. Of the more than 1 billion dollars Congress allocates to federal health agencies every year, most of the money is used to develop new vaccines and promote the use of existing vaccines rather than to study vaccine-associated injury and death.

·        Attempting to discount the significance of a high number of cases of disease occurring in vaccinated persons with double speak such as "Because of the differences in the sizes of these groups in the U.S. (i.e., many many more vaccinated people than unvaccinated) the few cases of disease that occur may be higher among people whose vaccination failed to protect them, than among those not vaccinated." This statement is amusing, if only for its attempt to insult the intelligence of the public. When there was an 80 percent failure rate in fully vaccinated children under five who got whooping cough in 1993 in a Cincinnati outbreak; when the FDA estimates an efficacy rate for chicken pox vaccine as low as 70 percent; and when no detectable antibodies are identified in many vaccinated persons within five years of hepatitis B vaccination, is the public really supposed to buy into the CDC's convoluted logic that high rates of vaccine failures are acceptable?

Informed Consent Attacked - But the CDC authors of this "Vaccine Safety Campaign" saved their emotional energy for two sections entitled "Informing Parents" and "You, Your Community, and State Immunization Laws" in which they take on the ethical issue of informed consent by making thinly veiled threats and displaying disdain for individuals who dare to disobey their orders. Following are the most revealing statements:

On "Acceptable Level of Care" and Health Insurance Eligibility: “Vaccination is an accepted globally prescribed health practice. Today, many managed care organizations, public health clinics and health insurance companies struggle to define what are basic rights and acceptable levels of care for their clients. In most cases, children's immunizations are included as a requirement for acceptable quality of care. To withhold immunizations is perceived as an unacceptable level of care by these groups." Long anticipated, the carefully worded suggestion posing the question of whether un- vaccinated children should be eligible for health insurance, has now been forwarded by federal health officials.

On Government-Forced Vaccination: "American courts have addressed the legal case of whether or not the government would compel vaccination. In the leading case, Jacobsen v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905). Jacobson appealed to the Supreme Court, challenging the constitutionality of the statute on the ground that a requirement that he submit to vaccination was an unreasonable infringement of his personal liberty. The Court unanimously rejected this argument and was not prepared to allow a minority in a community to enjoy the general protection afforded by an organized immunization program in that community or subordinate the safety of an entire community to the notions of a single individual who chooses to remain a part of that population. American courts have been supportive of laws and programs designed to increase the level of vaccination in the United States." In a flawed interpretation of that 1905 Supreme Court decision, CDC officials fail to state that the nine turn-of-the-century justices had been persuaded by early 19th century medical doctors that doctors could predict ahead of time who would be injured by vaccination, a claim that has been proven false in the past 92 years of medical history as well as by the U.S. Court of Claims in Washington, D.C.. But even the 1905 high court decision protected the "notions" of citizens who object to vaccination for religious reasons, preserving the right of the individual to obey the judgment of moral conscience even when it conflicts with a secular law of the state.

CDC Admits Toxins, Monkey Viruses in Vaccines - In the midst of all this denial, coercion and rattling of swords, government officials admit that vaccines are loaded with chemicals and defend the presence of toxic chemicals in vaccines with the justification that "Many things in today's world, including foods and medicines, have chemicals added to them to prevent the growth of germs and reduce spoilage." Dismissing the significance of injecting vaccine additives such as ethyl mercuric chloride, thiosalicylic acid, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, formaldehyde, aluminum and other chemicals directly into the bloodstream, CDC officials go on to cavalierly explain that monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sulfites are put into some vaccines but it is OK because MSG and sulfites are found in many "Asian foods" and "alcoholic beverages." Has anyone seen any studies proving that formaldehyde is safe to inject into the body for any other purpose than embalming?

And, admitting that some vaccines are contaminated with reverse transcriptase (RT), the CDC states that "The presence of RT does not necessarily indicate the presence of a retrovirus that could cause infection or lead to illness in humans." Does not necessarily indicate? And, sounding more like lawyers than physicians, CDC officials admit that polio vaccines have been contaminated with simian viruses in the past, especially SV40, but that "there is no evidence that polio vaccine administered since the early 1960s contained SV40."

The battle lines are being drawn more clearly every day. American health care consumers need to be aware that federal and state health officials are in the process of finding new ways to turn back the demand by a growing number of citizens to have the right to choose the kind of preventive health care that is appropriate for them and their families.  Forced vaccination in America is taking a nasty turn and will probably get worse before it gets better.

Knowledge is power. You can find out what the CDC is saying by visiting the CDC's Internet page Access NVIC at for hotel reservations.

Publisher: The National Vaccine Information Center, 512 W. Maple Ave. #206, Vienna VA 22180 1-800-909-SHOT THE VACCINE REACTION  NOVEMBER 1997


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